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I plan to establish good working relationships with other board members in order to further the following goals.

  • Ensuring a basic level of affordable service to all residents

  • Avoiding expensive projects and addressing supply through conservation, inexpensive spillway raises and more grey water reuse for landscape purposes

  • Managing our watershed to protect against wildfires while promoting native plant species

Jack Kenney portrait photo
Water Graphic

A Balanced Approach to Water Rates

While increased revenue is necessary to fund investments in Marin’s water infrastructure and maintain the current system, the current approach to rate increases has placed an undue burden on our constituents, many of whom are low-income families. As a Board Director, I will push for a more balanced strategy and will work to adjust rates so conservation is encouraged. I stand for ensuring that our residents have access to affordable water.

Securing Our Water Supply in a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Manner

The recent drought along with the prospect of more extreme weather conditions going forward requires not only our immediate attention, but also a search for long term, innovative solutions that incorporate both increased supply and conservation via recycling.

As a Director I will propose expanding our water supply with inexpensive spillway raises in certain reservoir locations. This approach would be both less expensive and less damaging to our environment than other proposed investments.

I will also promote a significant increase in our recycled water efforts—beyond the current 10%.  My vision includes maximizing the use of recycled water for commercial and residential irrigation as well as in public spaces, reducing our overall demand on freshwater resources.

Enhanced Fire Mitigation and Environmental Protection

Our approach to fire mitigation and environmental protection in the 22,000 acre MMWD watershed needs a data-driven revamp. Partnering with academic experts, I will propose periodic range management studies to create an accurate inventory of the plant life and soil conditions. This data will allow MMWD to improve our weed and fire mitigation policies. This process will not only enhance our environmental stewardship but also ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

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